Absolutely nothing. I left the house in a rush. I took grandma to the airport and the kids to preschool. I reached for my phone and it wasn’t there. So, I went old school and turned on the FM radio....
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I've picked up four 'life hacks', for lack of a better word, which have served me well over the years. The first one I picked up from a US Navy LCDR about 17 years ago. He told me to never write...
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I came across a an article on CNBC about the whiskey collection of Mahesh Patel which features a $250,000.00 per bottle crown jewel; the Royal Salute Tribute to Honor, a rare batch celebrating the jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation. Mahesh is...
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“Once you stop learning, you start dying.” — Albert Einstein It's true you don't choose the beard, the beard chooses you. So while your beard is off growing, why not spend some time growing your mind too? How? by adopting the "Growth...
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